Unit 9 - Evaluation of advert


In order to record my advert, me and my peer had to decide what type of video we would be producing, therefore me and my peer both decided to create an advert. After sketching ideas of what we can do our advert on, we came to a conclusion of using a chocolate bar for an advert. So, the chocolate options were either ‘Bounty, Yorkie and Mars’, we both decided to use Mars as it is the most common favourite in the UK.

My advert does follow the rules in producing a advert as normally adverts have humour and music in the background with cuts and i have ensured that my advert includes some of these rules such as music in the background, dialogue and mise en scene.
Our initial idea was to have a green screen in the background that would allow me to edit a mars background, however, there was a lack of prop and therefore there was no green screen, so that when the peer (elodie) eats the mars bar, the mars bar would take her to the planet mars. Because we could not do this, when editing i ensured i put a music in the background that related to Mars.
The strengths for my advert, was the researching. As me and my peer (eyman) thought about elements of what we can use for our adverts. We both came to a quick conclusion to do a chocolate bar and we had no disagreement on that. As it was a simple prop we could use to create an advert. Another strength would be the editing was quite simple and easy as i already had the skills and techniques that is needed to edit a video for an advert

The weaknesses of my advert would be the lack of time, as due to medical reasons i had appointments which made me lose time in booking the rooms for filming. Another aspect would be is that my group was with three people, me, eyman, and lateisha however, lateisha decided to do her own project, which meant we had to change our scheduling as there would only be two people working on the project meaning one less pair of hands, this left me and eyman to process a advert. In regards to this, my peer was not cooperative as there was a lack of communication as there were many situations where i had to schedule timings because my peer would not be in, even though she helped me with the filming i was left doing all the editing by myself. This was quite hard for me as i had other deadlines for other units, but i had to ensure i made a checklist and scheduled my timings, as well as working in a quick pace to make sure i finished all my work before the given deadlines.

The feedback that i got from my peers was that they liked the music in the background and the fact that it related back to the product which was the mars bar. The only constructive criticism they gave was the fact that i should of added editing techniques such as slow motion and transitions such as fade etc. Also another point would be that they  gave me feedback on that i should of filmed in a different room instead of a normal classroom.

Overall, i believe that if i had more time in processing my advert i would of thought of more editing techniques to make it more engaging for the audience. This meant that i was not happy about the outcome of the advert as if we had more time, there would of been more options in regards to editing techniques such as using the application to create a more animated type of advert that sent the mars chocolate bar to space. Despite all of this, i attempted to the best i can in editing this advert and scheduling my timings to ensure that all of this would be finished.


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