Unit 4 - Task 1 Aim C

Unit 4 - Task 1 Aim C.

It states that ‘you must use appropriate equipment to produce audio recordings. Your recordings must be creative and clear’

In order to make sure i achieve this, i would need to get the appropriate recording. I have chosen to use my phone whilst applying the headphones to the phone jack to make it clearer and also a microphone that captures a lot of high quality sound. I have chosen to record in a quiet sound proof room that would pick up the best quality for audio. The microphone that i would be using is a rode microphone which does not need batteries therefore i could speak for ages and question my interviewee. It is very useful as i would just need to plug it in and let it stand there without having to be fussy by bringing it back and forward when speaking which is a handheld microphone which may not capture all the sound but this microphone is steady and fixed therefore it would be beneficial in many ways.

It states that ‘you must use two different acoustic environments when recording your audio work’

I have chosen a studio discussion (interview) which basically is me interviewing a peer about ‘why the peer studies Politics & International Relations and Law and what do they find interesting about it’ this would be done in a soundproof room which allows the peer to be concentrated on developing her answer to the question without distraction.
Another acoustic environment i have chosen for my audio work is music soundtrack, i have chosen to use a microphone to record the acapella that myself and my peer would create to pick up all the noise, for example ‘hand clapping, singing, ruffling noises, mouth noises’ something like an ASMR.

It states that You must then put your planning into practice to produce your audio recordings. You will undertake the recording of your audio products using the following stages:
  • source, connect and test recording equipment
  • conduct sound level check
  • start recorder
  • cue contributor
  • record audio
  • log recordings
  • import audio to editing application
  • edit recording
  • Export recorded audio to CD or other play out format’

This would be completed in my audio recording sessions.


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