Unit 10: Task 2c Brief 1.

Unit 10: Task 2c Brief 1

Digital photographs are commonly used in many written publications such as newspapers, magazines, newsletters, this is because they want their audience to also have a visual representation of the publication. Newsletters have the purpose of educating, therefore, in order to attract the audience digital photographs are usually used and tend to be in the middle, which clearly makes it the centre of attention underneath a big and bold catchy headline. Furthermore, the target audience for newsletters are mainly young and old adults, meaning that they possibly love to read a lot of information on newsletters, however, young teenagers and children may not therefore, an appealing digital photograph and uses of universal codes and mise en scene such as bold colours and catchy headlines and big pictures is suitable to attract not only a specific target audience but everyone. On the other hand, Magazines have a sole purpose of entertaining rather than educating and are one of the written publications that digital photographs are used in, the photographs are usually used in magazines for the purpose of attracting the audience and for enjoyment, which is in contrast to newsletters and newspapers which their digital photographs are to enhance the purpose of educating the audience about an specific situation, therefore people would be fascinated with the content of a magazine because of all of its photos and bright colours it tends to use, as photographs usually speak a 1000 words.

In regards to marketing products such as posters, digital photographs are used for the purpose of marketing a specific product in order to inform the audience about the product and sell it, therefore posters are a good way to enhance this. Digital photographs for posters are taken specifically according to the purpose of the product, which is then changed to make it perfect through photoshop, making sure it looks professional, therefore attracts the audience as it is usually very successful and is worthwhile and effective in many ways as it not only attracts but influences them to search into more information about the product to decide whether it is good as it has been attracted to them in a bold statement through colours etc. This is beneficial as it is quick and simple and more appealing without it being on a written publication, this again means that digital photographs are valuable and worthwhile. Additionally, digital photographs have a purpose of only attracting, for example if there was an photograph of a nike shoe on a poster, the audience would be appealed as the product is only being advertised which is simple yet effective.

Another point that helps promote digital photographs would be advertisements, it is clear that digital photographs is the purpose of an advertisement and again, the purpose of an advertisement is to inform and sell a product which is valuable for a market product. This is through making the advertisement attractive and catchy by using bright colours and catchy slogans, ensuring that it gets straight the purpose which is attempting to sell the product to the audience, and making it is not dull and boring. An example of this would be that if you like to promote a specific product which has newly launched, this product would be based in the middle of the advertisement with a slogan on top, making sure that there is a level of visual and informing, this would be done by ensuring that there is bright colours on the slogan and the digital photograph is changed and polished through photoshop until perfection for advertisement. This would therefore, attract the audience into the fashion field and be interested in exploring the product and if it is worth it, therefore the advertisement would need to be attractive with bold colours and with side slogans and the price such as “25% OFF YOUR FIRST PURCHASE WITH NIKE AIR” which then attracts them even more to the nike shoe.

To ensure that interest and awareness is raised, digital photographs are used because its is a key way to only attract the audience especially through an advertisement as it is a interesting way to promote products quickly and effectively. An example of this would be a sports event such as banners and posters that is beneficial because on banners and posters, the digital photographs would be used in regards to maybe a sports event for adults, these photographs would be adjusted to fit the theme of a sports day such as adding bold colours and texts and edits which stand out and ensure that it promotes the event as it would inform the audience exactly what the sports event would be about, when and what time it is, making sure that it gets to the point of being catchy and informative as it would help the audience understand quicker and they would have a interest in the event and would want to come and look forward to joining and enjoying the event.

In order to ‘tell a story’ digital photographs are used to ensure that it helps explains the story in more detail, allowing the visual and written to combine to have a better understanding. An example of this would be photojournalism, meaning that digital photographs for  journalists would be beneficial as this allows them to show the story in less words and more visual photographs giving the audience a better understanding as this appeals more to the audience as it helps them understand and visually create the story in their heads which engages them more into the story. Therefore, digital photographs are beneficial and useful as it expresses more information than written information, and allows the audience that prefer photographs instead of reading a lot of information as photographs helps explain words in ways it cannot be explained.

Lastly, this is an important point to digital photographs as it helps increase sales. For example CDS for music and computer games, this is because the main purpose of this is to sell the product and digital photographs can express what the games and music CDS would look like and what type of artists CDS are being promoted, as it is essential to show what type of computer game it is which attracts a specific target audience and also which artist CD is being promoted and if the audience are interested in them which then helps them engage in the sale and then make them purchase it. An example of this would be if a new artists CD is being promoted with the artist such as Beyonce was at the front of the CD in bold bright colours and stylistic codes and mise en scene as it would attract the audience as Beyonce is a famous artist which everyone loves and it would be promoted by “BEYONCE IS BACK, BUY NOW” in bright colours which would attract not only women but men as she is a artist that attracts both genders.


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