Evaluation for Unit 4 - Task 2 Aim C.

Evaluation for Unit 4 - Task 2 Aim C.

The brief of my audio work is completed. I have done this by analysing the techniques i have used in my photography and how this has benefited me and the audience. I have then audio recorded my interview and acapella with my peer. I have firstly recorded testing audios as pre sessions to ensure that it is capturing my voice clearly with good quality, then i recorded both my interview and acapella.

The aims of my brief was to create a audio recording for a audio recording company so they could use it for their training courses. Before i started to create a audio, i had to ensure that i had a wide knowledge about the background of audios and its recordings and what type of equipment is needed to record audios, most importantly, how to record and what is the best recorder to use. I have therefore then created two audios in two different environments and two different acoustics. The planning for my audio went very smooth and swiftly, i quickly decided that i was going to do these two acoustics as it gives me the chance to express my audio techniques that i have gained, the planning also was very straightforward as i knew that the technique, the microphone and the interview discussion was planned to be very simple and it successfully resulted into this.
The dialogue used was also straightforward as for the interview, it was mainly more like a discussion, that had open questions which helped and resulted into my interviewer being open to expand on their answer and it was more relaxed and informal as the interviewee and interviewer had the chance to get personal and joke around whilst answering the questions. In regards to the acapella, me and my peer created a swift and catchy beat, that had sounds of tapping, clapping, and voice. The muffling noise in the background was not intentional however, when listening to it, it gave the acapella a soft dimension as it sounded like a soft scratch.
The equipments that i have used was a phone recorder and not a microphone because i have weak motor skills and it was heavy for me to hold which prevented me from speaking clearly which would make the quality very poor, therefore i opted to use a phone recorder which is small and pocket size and portable and flexible as i can hold it and record any time.
I did not have a sound log, as i thought that there was no need for a log because i done all my test recordings in one day.
As my acoustics were in both different environments, the acapella being in a studio and the interview in a confined room i had to make sure that the environments were easy to access for me and my peer and were free in the periods i wanted to record and that the environment was sound proof and safe to record in, therefore i had to ensure that the rooms were clean and had no noise around.
There was no need for a recording schedule as the interview was mainly a discussion and was quick, and the acapella was a short beat tune that was recorded all in one day.
The sound checks that i have to ensure that i did was because i was inside in both of my recordings i had to ensure that the recording level in the interior was high and good quality, therefore it was essential to do recording checks (testings) before i started my actual interviews and acapella as i needed to make sure the sound quality was clear.
Regarding the copyright clearances, it was evident that all the recordings was my idea and that i got permission from my peer to use her for my interview, making sure she is aware that this work would be published and that she/he is not worried about her voice being viewed and marked. Also, the reason to why i chose acapella is to avoid copyright as it was my voice used and i did not use any beats/elements from other soundtracks.
The risk assessment i had to produce was to ensure that the interview room was clean, and have space for two people to sit down and have a discussion making sure that my peer is comfortable and relaxed to talk, ensuring that room was rid of hazards such as wires on the floor, spillage etc. This also is the same for the acapella studio, where i had to ensure that there was no faulty wires on the floor as me and my peer would trip over, that there was no open sockets and the area was clean to sit down and produce a acapella.

The strengths of my audio is that the sound quality came out as expected and the timings of both my interview and acapella was as scheduled, so i did not run over time in finishing this audio. Another aspect could be that the interview was quick and did not waste a lot of time which gave me the opportunity to evaluate the discussion, meaning i had a lot of time to do it again if it was not suitable.
However, the areas of improvement i need to acknowledge is that i could of made my interview more interesting in terms of topic, for example; i could asked questions about what genre of music she listens to and her opinions on other genres. This could of been a better topic as it related more to the youth of today and my age as they are more engaged in the music industry rather than Politics and Law.  In regards to the acapella, i believe that i can improve it for the future, is that i can use more noises using my body instead of using the same noises such as my hands and mouth so it could sound better and give a better quality.


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