Unit 4 & 15 - Task 2D

Two adaptations on one Article

I have chosen to write my adaptations on the article ‘Modern Fashion Trends in the heart of East London’ this article was speaking about the trends in East London and how they have developed and changed in time.

The first adaptation that i would outline, is that the information in my article does not express and outline majority of the trends we see in London today, i have briefly explained what has changed from men and womens clothes but have not gone into detail, therefore i believe that if there is more detail in the explanation of how the trends have shifted in time, then this would make it clearer to the audience how, when and why it has changed. This is another point that i could of mentioned which was explaining why they have changed. I stated in the article down below that;
“Fashion trends have always developed and evolved throughout the years. Trends are always changing every year and month.It has gone from big backcombed styled hair to sleek natural hair, from dull long skirts to pleated short skirts, from casual platform flats to branded trainers, from suits and sprayed hair to tracksuits and shaped haircuts. East London has always been the centre of continuous change in fashion trends”

I have also stated that;

“Men have become more open about the way they dress especially in East London where vintage clothing is the heart of east london, not only that but they have become very trendy in urbanised clothing such as tracksuits and trainers which have been developed because of East London culture. They have a common trend of either wearing tracksuits and trainers or jeans with baseball or leather jacket, which is similar to the 90s but different to the 70s and 80s.This is different for women, as women in East London have still followed the same trends from the 70s-90s with short skirts, crop tops, and boyfriend jeans, but the trend has changed for women in 2018 as they have become more into a professional look as blazers and smart trousers are the trend for women now. Social media has given women and men the platform to follow trends from ‘fashionistas’ however i think this is pointless and not realistic as men and women then follow the same styles of these instagram fashion blogger which were clothes as a sign of their style and personality but this does not make them other people unique and i think that is wrong everyone should create their own trends and looks instead of copying fashion bloggers”

This has explained how fashion trends have changed from the different eras in time, but have not explained why it has changed to the audience. Therefore down below is the adaptation of how it could be changed for improvement.

There has been many changes throughout the years within the fashion industry in East London. So! It is important to acknowledge How, When and Why fashion has changed.
How has fashion changed may you ask? Well… before the 60s fashion was not important, however post 60s hippies came and created the high waist buckle jeans, in the 80s Michael Jackson made parachute pants the style… therefore, influencers have a big impact on Fashion. I mean….we all want to look and style like our idols, no?
Why do we choose to be fashionable, especially in East London? East London is the heart of fashion, and therefore many people in this area have expressed their culture and religion and identity through fashion. As East London is the heart of urban and vintage clothing. And most importantly why? Why has fashion changed? Why do we wear the clothes that are in our closets now? It's simple. Just like technology, things develop and get better and more stylish. Therefore, due to urbanisation and modernization and economies changing, fashion as become important and therefore trends from famous influencers are ideal to many people in not only East London but also every area in London ”

Another adaptation (2) that i should outline is the use of images as stated below i have used four images, an improvement of this would be that i could of added more images, possibly a table of different types of style, for example;

“Smart/suit wear for men, in contrast to punk, vintage and urbanised ‘hood’ wear”
The same for women also,
“Smart/suit wear (as it is in style for women), in contrast to sporty (tomboy), casual, girly and vintage, boho (hippie), to urbanised ‘crop top and high waisted jeans wear”
This would of shown all the different types of fashion trends instead of two obvious important ones, as suit wear to hood wear and crop tops and high waisted jeans are the majority trend but it is important to also mention the other trends that have an impact on East London also.
