Unit 4/15 Task 4- Evaluation

Task 4 - Evaluation (Unit 5/14)

My research into publishing and real digitally products have helped me gain knowledge on what i specifically need to create my article and what needs to be included and the best way to make it look physically appealing. The research i done was not only on publishing such as how to do a article but most importantly Fashion. I have researched into many British fashion magazines such as Vogue, InStyle UK, BLITZ and London Fashion News, all these magazines were looked at which gave me an idea or how to present my article in the best manner that fitted a magazine for fashion. I had to also look into the changes of fashion in East London to make me have an understanding of how, when and why fashion has changed, therefore gave me an overall understanding of how fashions trends are in 2018. The mode of address is the audience who are interested in fashion, therefore i had to ensure that when looking into layouts of articles it had to be put in a layout that was not information/content heavy and was short and catchy to read and understand, and pop out to the reader using bright colours and humours language, english language like rhetorical questions, juxtaposition (comparisons) and punctuation that engages the reader into the article.

The process of orginative, pitching and amending my ideas was a successful one as i have many rough sketches of the way i would like my article to be presented and how much content it needed it, therefore i gathered many articles and sketched my ideas, then i got peers and teacher to look at and analyse my sketches. The feedback i received was that many of my peers claimed that i should add more information explaining the different trends such as vintage, retro, punk in regards to men and women and add more pictures. The two articles are wrote was checked by my teacher and the feedback i received was that i had to ensure my; punctuation and use of language was appropriate and correct. The changes i made was i ensured my images were a big size so the audience can see and added more english language to make the article stand out and be more humours. Overall, this feedback ensured that i gained and took it in and acted upon it by making amendments to ensure i create a good article about fashion that the audience could read.

In regards to drafting, i had to ensure i had two different adjustments on my articles. With the first one which was ‘How fashion has changed in East London’ i had to make sure had it fitted audience categories such as all ages from young adults, teenages, children, adults and ederly. This one was more informative with information that interested all age groups as i had to make sure it was both informative and humours. When it came to creating the actual article i ensured that it was both humorous and informative as fashion is important to all age groups especially young adults and teenages and even ederly. Therefore to ensure that my article was presentale i had to ensure i used correct use of language and punctuation that made it clear and understandable, and was appropriate for all age groups. Therefore, in regards of drafting and redrafting, i believe it was successful as i didnt need to re draft as i made sure it fitted the audience.

The pre-production portfolio i created, helped in many ways, timing my schedule to complete tasks, organise my work and also as a checklist to ensure i complete my work quickly before deadlines. I would then understand how i would need to complete different areas of tasks and how much time i have actually used up whilst doing tasks in different areas. This is important as it helps me change my work, whenever it is needed ensuring that i change my work pace to fit the criteria of a deadline and to ensure that i have completed all the work, therefore this portfolio has helped me be on track with my tasks, the resources i need to read and use and if i have completed them.

The skills i have and also gained in image manipulation have improved and are very technical, because i have had enough time to take my photos and edit them in photoshop all under a specific time frame, i have used my techniques gained in Photoshop by using the magic wand tool by erasing imperfections, making the gradient more explicit, an overlay and resizing of the photos. I have also checked for copyright as these are all my photos and own words, therefore i ensured that no one else was using my photos as legally they belong to me, i have also ensured that all my work are stored in safe places, such as my google account which saves automatically and saves drafts, therefore i can complete them at home and college with a quick access, this also applies to Blogger which has the same feature. I make sure that all my units have folders therefore when it comes to finding my work regarding this specific unit i could find it easily. Overall, the research for this task was very quick and easy as i knew what i wanted to write about which was ‘fashion’ as i had my own personal knowledge of the topic and editing on photoshop was a process that i have gained and improved.


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