Unit 4 - Task 2 Aim B

Unit 4 - Task 2 Aim B

In this report, i would be attempting to explain my understanding of microphone types, characteristics, and their suitability for different acoustic environments, and explaining and comparing the different types of constructions in microphones.

  • Types of Microphones

Handheld microphone: This type of microphone is where a person holds the handle, where people can pick up and hold to make a speech, announce something or sing. These type of microphones are commonly used in live shows, music artist performances, events as it is easier to perform and move about whilst holding the microphone, some have cables but some do not, and are very hard to break.

Lavalier microphone: This type of microphone is where a small microphone is attached to a person’s collar or top, and is mainly used in TV shows, theatres, public shows such as circuses. This allows them to speak without the constant reminder to hold onto a frame it allows them to use their body for actions to express how they are speaking.

Directly connected microphone: This type of microphone is used for computers or for playing video games that need communicating, this allows the person communicate with other players, friends or for customers as it is also used in call centres. This is because the directly connected allows you to hear other people in one ear and talk through in a microphone, but only has one headphone, this allows you to communicate with the speaker on on ear, and allows you to speak to others around you at the same time. This headphone is mainly used for gamers.

Boundary microphone: This type of microphone is usually used body checks sound, or for spoken word events, or for conference events, also bank rooms that allows the speaker to speak. These are used in nig rooms for full recording of the sound in that room. Some come in big and small sized that could be placed in a room or attached to a furniture. This does not allow interference to pass between the reflected upon and direct sound in the room this is then transferred into the natural real sound. This is the clear difference that the directly connected is only based on the hearer and the listener, whereas the boundary microphone is based in to middle of a room or surrounding that allows the sound to bounce off the room and pitch across to everyone.

Parabolic microphone: The parabolic microphones have sensitivity to one direction whilst its on the axis of its own dish, this allows it to pick up sounds from the distance. It is a microphone that has a reflector that means that it focuses different sound waves to the receiver. This is used for nature, that collect sounds of birds and trees, podcasting and broadcasting, as it collects sensitive audios.

Noise cancelling microphone: This microphone has a filter ambient noise, which cancels out unwanted noise from the specific sound you have want and have chosen. This is useful for recording in public, at home if you are recording youtube videos, and is used in noisy environments outside.

Radio microphones: This microphone could be wireless and does not need a cable to function, and connect to any editing equipment or amplifying equipment. This microphone has a small radio transmitter inside the microphone which is powered by battery and therefore this sends radio waves to a receiver.

Radio microphone (transmitter): This is a device that creates a frequency to a current. The electricity that flows into the transmitter antenna creates electrons that vibrate up and down which then creates the radio waves. These type of transmitters could be cellular, WIFI, Bluetooth.

Radio microphones (receiver): This is a type of device that takes in radio waves which then changes the information received, the antenna then would receive a lot of sine waves. This is separated from the radio signals that the antenna receives. The waves provided are noticed as noticeable as a phone that receives a sound through antennas  

Radio microphone (interference): Radio microphone interference is when the radio frequency is the range where a unsettling influence is created by an external source, this influences the electrical circuits, this is because of the use of  the conduction and induction of the magnets of electronics.

  • Constructions

Dynamic: a dynamic microphone is a caused by sound waves that are caused by a wire or cable that is movable which is in a magnetic field this this creates a current. The coil that is wrapped in wire is prevented in a magnetic field, meaning when the sounds vibrates the diaphragm.

Capacitor: a capacitor is when there is two conductors that are seperated, this the creates a capacitor because of the insulator interference, this means that it holds the electrical energy that has been converted from the acoustical energy. This requires power from a battery or any external source. This audio signal is then stronger than the dynamic microphone.

Electric: Electricity is a type of energy that is created and produced in many ways such as TV, light bulbs, computers etc. It is used in electronic communications and audio recording devices. These devices are a type of condenser microphone. The electric microphones do use this, such as capacitors that are electrostatic and this gets rid of the need for power supply as it uses charged materials.

Condenser: Condenser microphones are commonly found in studios. This type of microphone uses a condenser microphone that needs a power from a external source or a battery. The resulting audio signals are usually much stronger than the dynamic ones.

Ribbon - Ribbon microphone is similar to the dynamic microphone as it both catches big sounds. It is a type of microphone that contains a duralumin, aluminum that is thin of electrically conductive ribbon which is between magnet poles that produces a voltage by the induction of electromagnetics.

  • Characteristics

Omni-directional - omnidirectional microphones are simply microphones that detects sounds which have the equal gain from all of the different sides of the microphones. This indicates that the person using it can speak into the microphone from the left, back, right, front side of it, and the microphone would still record all the signals with a equal wave.

Unidirectional - unidirectional microphones are very sensitive from one direction of the sound travelling, this includes cardioid and hypercardioid. This microphone picks up less ambient noises unlike the omni-directional microphone.

Cardioid - Cardioid simply means "heart-shaped", this is a type of pick-up pattern, implying that the sound is mainly picked up from the front, however may not extend to the sides. The use of cardioid is that is emphasises a lot on sound from that specific direction the mic is pointed whilst leaving the latitude for the microphone to be moved by the person and also the ambient noise. Also, cardioid is very adaptable microphone and is ideal for general use, for example; the handheld microphone.

Hypercardioid - Hypercardioid simply means that this microphone is directional and gets rid of most of the sound that comes from sides. This is because of its long narrow design of hyper cardioids, this can also be called shotgun microphones. This microphone simply isolates the sound from a direction when there is a lot of ambient noise, which picks up sound from a subject from a far distance.

Bi-directional - bi-directional indicates that it uses uses a figure-of-eight pattern and picks up sound from two complete opposite directions, equally. For bi-directional there are not many situations which need this type of polar pattern, however an example could be that if there is an interview where two people are opposite each other there could be this microphone in between them.

  • Design Limitations

Proximity effect - This effect is simply an audio that has a increase in bass. It is a change in frequency response of a directional pattern that results into the emphasis of low frequencies, as you get close to a source. This can create problems, but at the same time it creates a way to shape the sound.

Inverse square law - This law claims that the way a radiant energy generates through space, this means that power intensity from each of the per unit areas from a source, which differs from the inverse according to the square of the distance from the source which is In a free field the sound intensity drops by 6DB (which means decibel). This law is useful when creating and setting up a speaker or microphone.

  • Mounts

Stand - a stand is a tall pole that allows a person to use a microphone with free hands, either speaking or singing into the microphone. This stand allows them to use their hands and body as a gesture to their speaking and singing, allowing them to express what they are speaking about. This stand can vary, meaning it could be used and not, they could take the microphone out, this can be adjusted to the persons size so it can fit their height and they can speak comfortably. Some are called tripods for cameras and others are called vocal stands for speaking and singing.

Tie Clip - This type of microphone is a clipped microphone which you can clip on your collar, tie or shirt which is close to your mouth so you could speak clearly but it is small so it is not much of a hassle and the person could freely speak without the weight of the microphone and it is hands free. This microphone is used in interviews and tv shows.

Rifle - Rifle microphones are mainly directional, this means that the microphone is always pointed in a specific direction which is key because this means that the sound recorded is expected and the aim is to record a specific sound, excluding the sounds around. This microphones are unidirectional and capture a specific sound and captures focused sound sources.

Boom - Boom mount is used in Tv shows, and is a long pole that has the microphone at the top. This has a noise canceller because it is usually used outside for events. This boom mount is a person holding a microphone and talking into it. For movies, this type of microphone is held on top of their heads, it is not visible on the screens as compared to the tie clips, rifles or stands that the audience can see.

Equipment mount - The equipment mount stand is a specific stand that gives the person the ability to keep any microphone on the equipment mount only relating to its mount. For example, stands have microphone holders so the microphone could be held and adjusted and fitted. These poles are extended so it gets higher and lower to fit a person's height. This is important as it helps the person to be comfortable when presenting or singing.

Handheld - This type of microphone, is hand held simply meaning that you can easily hold it in your hand without any assistance of other mounts. An example of this could be selfie sticks, tripod sticks for cameras for vlogging, this helps the person to easily record videos and take pictures from a close distance and a far distance.

  • Connectors

Mono Jack - This is commonly used as a musical equipment. This is a type of jack used in headphones for a computer, some computers have one or two. It is a cable that can be a used as a line convert level or a use from an XLR connector, however this is not used or designed to record from a device that is stereo for example a music player or radio.

Stereo Jack - This is a connector that uses more than one jack, mono only uses one. This is mainly used in cars for aux. Such as speakers, this jack is connected to the stereo to play audios.

XLR - This connector has a circular shape and has pins from 7 to 3. This is short for Extreme Luxury Roadster, this means that it is connector which is electrical and is used for professional uses such as stage lightening and film video equipment.

Mini Jack - This connector is commonly used for socket devices such as laptops, stereos, computers and phones. This mini jack is used for headphones mainly to listen to audios. This is a small jack which is 3.5 mm and usually comes in the colour black but also have stripes on the sides


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