Showing work

Showcasing work


A CV is a document that will have all your personal details and interests as well as previous work experience and qualifications.

CVs do have their pros and cons in the media industry.


CVs are quite quick to write and also read as they do not contain too much information therefore it would be easier for the employer to see if they are suitable for that particular job.

Another pro of using CVs is that you can hand them to someone or post them as hard paper copies which gives someone a better chance of getting a job. You do not always have to have a hard copy to give, you can also send it via e-mail if needed.

In a CV you can give an insight to the employer as to your personality, qualities and skills which you could not express in other documents such as a portfolio.


Like any other document, CVs do have cons. For example, they are limited in the information you can provide. Media companies would want to know about your creativity when it comes to finding a job in media.  This creativity cannot be shown through a simple document like a CV.

CVs can often become repetitive in that all employees will be using similar structures when typing their document, therefore, there is nothing unique in the way it is viewed by an employer. It can become boring to read whereas if it was something like a portfolio or a show reel, it would be more interesting for the employer to look at. In a CV you can say you have certain skills, however, that cannot be proven using physical evidence such as photographs or video clips.


A portfolio is a more creative way of showcasing your work with video clips, hyperlinks and photographs.


One of the pros of showcasing your work in a portfolio is that it is a more interesting and beneficial for the employer as they can see your creative side and what you are able to do, therefore, they can think about the job position and whether you are a suitable candidate.

Portfolios can be viewed online, this way, it is more accessible for the employer to view. This is useful when applying for a job that is a fair distance away.


One of the cons for showcasing your work through a portfolio is that it could be expensive to put together your hard copy of the portfolio. Printing costs can be very dear, as well as having to get materials such as glue, scissors and coloured card etc.

If your portfolio is on the computer and you haven’t created a hard copy, the computer could corrupt your work if it has a virus so things like video clips and photographs could be damaged or the employer might not be able to view the file.

If you only have a hard copy portfolio, it would be large and heavy to transport around.

Show reel

A show reel is a short promotional film that showcases the work of a photographer, videographer, actor or Presenter.  A show reel is a kind of visual CV or portfolio in one.

An advantage is that a show reel is less time consuming than a portfolio might be and gives an employer a very fast overview of your work. Like an online portfolio it is easy for potential employers to access wherever they are in the world.
A disadvantage may be that uploading it onto a computer or hard disc may be difficult. It might get corrupted. It is easily accessible therefore other people might see an opportunity to copy and take an advantage. Therefore your work won’t be original. A show reel or a portfolio doesn’t always tell an employer about you, your personality and your work ethic like a CV might


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