Jobs in the media industry

Jobs in the Media Industry


A freelance job is when you are working for yourself and you find your own work/jobs. The pros of working freelance are that you can have as many jobs as you desire at the same time. You could earn a lot of money. You can have the option to work whenever you want, take holidays when you want. The cons of freelance jobs is that you won’t always have work, there may not be jobs available at the time you want them. Therefore, your income would not be at a steady rate. You would have to carry all the equipment that you need for the job by yourself if the job doesn’t provide it. Also transport. If you are sick and you work freelance you would not get paid, however if you are on a contract or working for a company, you would get sick leave and paid holidays.

A permanent job is when you have a contract with a company and you work for them all year. These could be full time contracts or part time contracts. A pro of a permanent job is that you are paid all year round and you know exactly how much you earn. There may also be opportunities for pay rises or promotions. Another advantage of a permanent job is that even if you are sick you get paid, depending on how long the period of sickness is. Also, with a permanent job, you get paid holidays that means that the employee is allowed a certain amount of weeks off and still get paid the amount that they would if they were working. Another advantage of having a permanent job is that you get maternity leave. A disadvantage of having a permanent job is it restricts you from having more than one job at the same time. It is possible to have another job, however the hours must fit in with the other job. Although the wages may be stable in a permanent job, you may not be able to earn as much money as freelance jobs. A permanent job may also restrict you from taking your holidays when you want them and choosing your days off.

A voluntary job is where you work for free either to help people – for example working in a charity shop/foodbank or to gain experience in the industry you want to work in. So, one of the advantages of working as a volunteer is that you gain valuable experience. They may offer you a position in the future and also write you a reference. The obvious con is that you don’t get paid for working as a volunteer. They may pay for your travel and food depending on the company. Another disadvantage that the company may not let you do the jobs that you desire for experience, they might make you do simple tasks such as washing up, making coffee, filing etc.


I decided to select jobs in the Photography sector of the Media industry as I am interested photography and the creative side.

The first job I found was a Freelance Videographer/Photographer for a Real Estate Company called Vistabee. Vistabee is a company that make Real Estate marketing videos and professional photographs as well as other digital products. They need photographers in the East London area particularly. The company pays £18, 000 a year.

This job requires applicants to attend locations to take photos and video footage of the buildings which show them from good perspectives. They also want you to have good marketing and good customer service. It is compulsory that you have previous experience from a photography or video company. The applicants work must be creative, clear and look professional at all times. The applicant must have previous experience DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) Cameras and photography experience is essential but they also provide training to improve the skills that the applicant might already have. The applicant must be flexible when it comes to working with people within the company and outside the company. They must have an interest in buildings/property and good communication skills.

Requirements for the job:

  • own photography kit, including DSLR camera
  • sound and movie slider
  • Full driving license and vehicle
  • Clean full background check for client safety
  • Drive and passion for work


The second job I have chosen is also in the photography sector. This job is for a Wedding Photography company. They have been running since 2009 and they are based in Birmingham but they also have branches in Central and West London. The company wants the applicant to work with their team to shoot high quality wedding photos.

The company will take possession of any wedding photos the applicant takes. The applicant will not be allowed to use any of the photos used with the team for their own personal use or for their own portfolio. They expect the applicant to produce work of a high standard and meet all expectations. The company is not looking for a wide range of photographers. They are just looking for trusted and responsible photographers.

The applicant will receive a high standard wedding experience. If the applicant has worked for the company, they will have many more opportunities to work for them again. The payment for the job is £200 - £600 per job. The company will pay more if they see that you are capable of taking good photos and if the quality is consistent.

Requirements for the job:

  • To be able to work in a team
  • Be positive
  • Have good communication skills
  • Must be a professional photographer
  • Must be well dressed
  • Online portfolio
  • To be able to produce good quality and consistent work.


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