pre production: Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment
Production Title - Anti-bullying Campaign
Crew: Director – Zehra Dara
Cinematographer – Safwan Hussain, Leticia Soares
Address of shoot: In and around Leyton Sixth Form College
The following potential risks / hazards might be present:
Floor space      Tripping hazards         low lighting     adverse weather / temperatures      
Electrical cords and sockets   Flammable materials Crowds                        Fatigue                        Traffic
Animals           Scaffolding / working at height                      Stunts / dangerous activities  Water
Where present, please list them below:
Risk / Hazard identified
People affected
Existing controls
Action to be taken to reduce risk or hazard
Crowds of students

 Cast and crew
Quiet times when students are in lessons
Try and film when there are less students around that could potentially get in the way.

Adverse weather

Cast and crew
Be flexible when filming so that if the weather is bad we can film other scenes inside instead.

Falling over on the bus while filming

Be aware of other people on the bus
Try and film when the bus is stationary.


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