Focus Group Feedback

The feedback i got from my focus group i have come to the conclusion that they liked idea one better than the other ideas that were ‘Goodbye Gluten’ and ‘Restaurant review’. They thought all my ideas were new and fresh but, the idea that they thought would be more popular was idea 1 and not only that they also thought that my other ideas -‘ Goodbye Gluten’ and ‘Restaurant, Rate and Review’ wouldn't be as popular because the ideas were both niche, even though I had elements in both magazines that would have made reach a wider audience they believed it wouldn't sale as much as ‘Fashion for all’ would.

The reason behind why they thought  idea 1 was going to be more successful than the other ideas is that although,  fashion is a big industry they thought the fact that I am opening a new area in the fashion industry and allowing people with medical conditions and physical conditions who want to do modeling as a career, giving them an opportunity to do what they love- which my group thought this will inspire people with conditions, not only that but it will open people's mind.


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