
BTEC Extended Certificate Creative Media Production/ Induction.

Zehra Dara


Assignment 17 - Induction

Task 6

Evaluation and Feedback



The analysis research was helpful as it helped my knowledge on the different types of camera angles, for example hand held. I had no knowledge of this before the research.

The research helped on our chosen theme which was Science Fiction because it showed us what camera angles used to create tension and build up suspense. I found out from my research that the camera angles that are often used in Science Fiction are wide angle, close up and over the shoulder shots to make the audience feel that they are with or in the character’s shoes.


I feel that the pre-production process was successful as it allows you to think about the story, which characters you are going to use, where you are going to shoot particular scenes, what areas you are going to use and why and props. I felt that this all came together when the storyboard was created using software. The software was useful as my fine motor skills are not accurate. The characters were already there to use and I could add the text. For me, this was much less time consuming. When the storyboard was complete I felt that I knew what was going to happen in each scene so that when it came to typing up the Reece, it became much clearer as to how things were going to run. 


I felt that the filming could have been better and we could have used more effective camera angles as some of the scenes weren’t clear. I also felt that we did not create enough suspense with the camera angles used when compared to our storyboard and other Science Fiction films. When filming the team work was fairly good. I think that came down to us knowing what our roles were and the pre-production.


According to audience feedback, they were impressed by the costume/props. They also said that the shots used were very effective and created an atmosphere. The specific shots they enjoyed were the over the shoulder shots and shots from characters point of view. In addition, they also liked parts of the editing, for example, the flashback and how it was edited in black and white. Finally, they liked the effects in the last scene. However, as with any other film, they gave some constructive criticism – which I agree with. For example, the handheld shots were shaky in places and they felt their enjoyment was affected by lack of sound.


One of the key factors we could have made improvements on as a group is the way we communicate with each other as I found it was very poor and affected the way we worked together. I feel like within the group there was not enough communication and because of this reason, everything became a bit confusing. I felt another improvement we could have worked on, is teamwork, because when it came to editing the film, certain peers didn’t see the importance of getting involved and started doing their own thing  leaving the rest of the group to do the most of the work.

I also think when filming my peers didn’t communicate that I needed to move out of the way when starting to record I randomly appeared in shot which could have been resolved with a simple instruction. However, in audience feedback, it was suggested that this could have been part of the film – a mystery girl appearing in different places.

Finally, I do not want to come across as being too judgmental towards my peers because the day they uploaded the film on you tube, as I was absent but what I would just like to point out after watching it, I think it would have been good if they had finished the editing prior to upload it because the actual film run for 4.30 minutes but they let it run until 7.19 minutes so the end is just black and this doesn’t look very professional.


  1. Excellent induction project here Zehra. You have worked very hard on all aspects and have demonstrated a very good understanding of all the requirements of the brief. Your written work is to a very high standard and would achieve Merits for these tasks. Excellent organisational skills and a pro active approach to the whole project.
    Well Done.


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