
Showing posts from September, 2017


BTEC Extended Certificate Creative Media Production/ Induction. Zehra Dara   Assignment 17 - Induction Task 6 Evaluation and Feedback     The analysis research was helpful as it helped my knowledge on the different types of camera angles, for example hand held. I had no knowledge of this before the research. The research helped on our chosen theme which was Science Fiction because it showed us what camera angles used to create tension and build up suspense. I found out from my research that the camera angles that are often used in Science Fiction are wide angle, close up and over the shoulder shots to make the audience feel that they are with or in the character’s shoes.   I feel that the pre-production process was successful as it allows you to think about the story, which characters you are going to use, where you are going to shoot particular scenes, what areas you are going to use and why and props. I felt that this all came together when the st

Mystery Man poster


mystery man short film

Pre-production Storyboard


Pre-production Callsheet

Call   Sheet No:      1         Production: Mystery Man Production company: Co-Producer: Zehra     Director: Jacob   1 st AD: Guled     Crew   Call: Estimated wrap: 10 minutes  Shooting   Date: 19/09/2017     *** See movement order 1 and attached map *** Location: Leyton Sixth Form College Location contact:       *** NO SMOKING ON ANY SET ***     SET *SCENES PAGES CAST   Nos LOCATION   Field Scene 1   1   Field   Theatre Scene 2   0 Theatre   College building Scene 3   4 College building   Classroom 1 Scene 4   1 Classroom 1   The ‘Street’ Scene 5   +

Pre-production Recce

First scene  : We're going to use this location because this is where the main character is going to wake up, we have chosen this location because the field can add mystery to the short film.   Second scene : The mystery man, walks into the college building in search of his watch, he walks through the hallway passing students.  Third Scene :  The mystery man walks into one of the classrooms in search of his watch. Fourth scene: The mystery man then walks through the 'street' in the main college building looking for any clues as to where his watch may be. scene 5 : The mystery man then walks into another classroom, still in search of his precious watch. Scene 6 : The mystery man then walks into the theatre, where he instantly recognises the chairs from his flashback of where his watch might be. He then finds the watch in the theatre.

Pre-production - Treatment

Genre : Sci-fi Title: Mystery man Summary : The mystery man comes back from the past into the future ( into the 21st century) he wakes up in the field of Leyton Sixth Form College. As soon as he wakes up he is confused and puzzled, he reaches into his pocket for his precious watch to find that it is missing. He starts to panic, he has a flashback of the watch on a back chair, he sets of on a journey looking for his watch so that he can go back in time. He enters the college building to see shocked students who don't understand why he is dressed the way that he is. He walks into multiple classrooms in search of the watch, he then walks into the theatre and remembers that the chairs in the theatre are exactly the same as in his flashback, he find his watch. He turns back the hands of the watch, and he is transported back in time. Budget: n/a Equipment: camera tripod computer software adobe premiere pro Props: costume watch Location : field inside of t